Friday, 19 January 2007

Red Star

A bright January day in 2006 and I thought I'll buy a boat....bugger it! Now I've sailed since I was 10years old and my brother hs done the same. Both with a bit of time off from it. So in went the call and a budget was set. A little look around on t'internet and up popped a H19 at Rutland Sailing club where we both sailed. So we popped over had a Gander at the boat which was in a bit of a state and put in the offer. The thing that sold it was the trailer. We figured if the boat was written off the trailer would sell for what we paid for the package, so nothing to lose. Anyway Ebay did very well out of us, in that it supplied most of the required parts. The pain in the arse bit was painting everything especially the hull, I reckon a good 150hrs work was put in to it filling, sanding, painting oh yes not reading the tin about primers! So 5 coats later out popped Red Star. Now just the rigging to change, electronics to add etc, as I say mostly aquired from Ebay including the engine. All that was required was a place to sail. Initailly the boat went over to Rutland for a test sail. Luckily light winds, and no problems. I was half expecting to for the boat to be under the water with only bubbles to be seen on the surface as soon as it was launched. But no, dry as a bone and sailed like a dream. Well your average 1970's plastic slightly past it's best dream. Test complete more research was put in for a good mooring location as we really couldn't be arsed to trailer sail it. Skeggy up next.........

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