Removal of Jaguar 22 Keel
If you have read any other information on the Jaguar 22 on any other website you'll find that the boats scariest weak point is the keel and the keel bolt, closely followed by the toilet. Stories tell of keels falling off, keel boxes being ripped apart and boats capsizing and sinking. Enough to make any Jag. sailor a little nervous. As our Jag. was built circa. 1980 and I knew that the last time the keel had come out was at least 10 years ago, we thought it prudent for an inspection. The other thing mentioned regarding the keel in the handbook recommends not to moor the boat in salt water as there seems to be 'negative' electrolysis between the cast iron keel, stainless hanging bolts and bronze keel. i.e. you launch the boat in the Spring and by the end of the season the keel has half vanished.The keel drop has been on the cards since November but we finally got around to it last week and it all went very smoothly, using a very simple method.